This page contains information we can find on ACE FMS.
Bill Payer, Sole Employer and Co-Employer
Sole Employer Rate: 15%
(Participant must get own workers comp/liability; participant needs to plan for sick leave time.)
Background check:
Participant choice
Co-Employer Rate: 25%
(Liability/workers comp, sick days, included as soon as eligible.)
Background check:
Does not require live scan if not providing personal care.
Online/can get it anytime live.
Primary RC Vendor: WRC
Customer Service: Web based
Assigned account manager/mostly online
Working on chat capability, working on language options through Google Chat.
Maximum Budget Amount: $100,000 on a case by case basis (can be more)
Through portal
Contact info
Payment (check, ACH, credit card)
Pay two times per month.
Reimbursement: Try to avoid
Credit Card Purchase:
Put goods purchase in portals; they will contact the provider to make payment.
Will pay with credit card, but will work with creating a virtual credit card for each vendor.
Credit limit will be zero and then funds added.
Auto payment on a date
Gift Cards: Will initially use this (Example: Uber/Lyft)
EVV: Integrated platform
Electronic Time Sheet: Yes
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